Opportunities for Innovation

The Sugar Challenge

The amount of sugar consumption is a world-wide problem and has been scrutinized by health professionals, media and consumers for decades. However, there are also ramifications beyond wellbeing and nutrition challenges. There is an environmental impact to the planet.

Health Impact

Poor diet is a major risk factor for deadly diseases across the globe:



Heart Disease

Environmental Toll

Sugarcane and sugar beet production can deplete soil health

Sugar crops require a lot of land for the amount of sweetness produced:

Click to see cost


The Solution

Early efforts to create a stevia sugar substitute didn’t pass the palate test with consumers, and they continue their conflict between what tastes good and what’s good for them.

That is all about to change

Our scientists at The Plant Pathways Company have sequenced, assembled and annotated the entire DNA sequence of stevia. As a result, we are creating a paradigm shift in sugar replacement with natural, customized stevia varieties developed with cutting-edge breeding-by-design technologies.

Revolutionizing Flavor & Formulation

Through our industry-transforming technologies, we can work with customers to create flavor, potency and formulation profiles within the plant to accommodate a variety of end-use applications. This reduces the added costs of blending, fermentation and bioconversion.

Reducing Environmental Impact

Our approach to stevia also creates a new playing field for environmental health. The steviol glycosides in stevia are 200-350X sweeter than sugar, which means less is more. More sweetness per acre from this polyannual crop equates to less land needed to grow stevia. Fewer crop acres means fewer chemical and nutrient inputs, less water use, fewer equipment hours and less fuel use, and improved soil health.

Redefining Health Benefits

The properties within stevia make it the ideal solution in the fight against obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Steviol glycosides are non- caloric Unlike sugar, stevia does not raise blood glucose levels. Plus, this customized natural sweetener can be extracted from the plant and incorporated into products without the need for additives, which also means fewer ingredients on product labels.


The Future

Our stevia library boasts thousands of proprietary lineages. We are eager to meet with new customers to learn about their specific needs. By evaluating our library and using our Breeding by Design capabilities, we can create a custom “plant recipe” that accounts for the product requirements in the breeding phase rather than adding time, complexity and costs in the processing phase. We are also collaborating with grower and supply chain partners in the U.S., Uruguay and other countries to create production options outside the traditional stevia-production areas in China.

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